Change Your Settings
You can change the default settings for how your dates appear, as well as whether line items display as separated by a comma or period.
Additionally, you can set iAccess to convert minutes to hours if you enter more than a certain number.
To change your default settings, complete the following steps:
- In the
Short Date field, select the default date as:
- day - month - year - Select to use the European date format.
- month / day / year - Select to use the U.S. date format.
- In the
Digital Grouping System field, select the default format as:
- . (period) - Select to use a period ( . ) to indicate the numeric grouping system. For example, 1.000.000 (European format).
- , (comma) - Select to use a comma ( , ) to indicate the numeric grouping system. For example, 1,000,000 (U.S. format).
- ' (apostrophe) - Select to use an apostrophe (') to indicate the numeric grouping system. For example, 1'000'000.
- In the
Decimal Symbol field, select the default format as:
- , (comma) - Select to use a comma ( , ) to indicate the decimal point in a number. For example, 1.000.000,00 (European format).
- . (period)
- Select to use a period ( . ) to indicate the decimal point in a number. For example, 1,000,000.00 (U.S. format).
Note: If a comma is used for digital grouping, a period must be used for decimals, and vice versa.
- Use the Interpret Hour Entry as Minutes When Above
field if you need to track time in increments of minutes as well as hours. The number you enter is the interval at which time will switch from being registered as hours to being registered as minutes.
For example, if you set the field to 10, any number entered that is equal to or below 10 is interpreted as hours, and any number above 10 is interpreted as minutes.
If the value in this field is set to 10, registered time appears as follows:- If you enter 8, the field displays as 8:00 hours.
- If you enter 10, the field displays as 10:00 hours.
- If you enter 10, the field displays as 10:00 hours.
- If you enter 30, the field displays as 0:30 minutes.
Note: You can also enter time in decimals, so that 0.5 is interpreted as 0:30 or 0.9 is interpreted as 0:54. The Interpret Hour Entry as Minutes When Above setting does not affect decimal entries.
- Click Default in order to restore default values for all fields.
- Click OK when done.